It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s neocon Liz Cheney!
Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, and voting alongside Donald Trump more than 97% of the time, what Democrat could resist this war-mongering hero?! In this installment, Liz has traveled all the way from her hard-right Republican planet to join forces with Kamala Harris.
What dangerous deeds will this daring duo get up to in…
Liz: The Liberal Darling!
As terrible as it sounds, this isn’t a joke. And as Kamala Harris parades her new friend around Michigan, MSNBC is losing their minds in excitement. “I've never seen a more heroic figure than Liz Cheney,” says Chris Matthews. “There's such courage there.”
Name one thing, Chris Matthews, other than not liking Donald Trump, that the Cheneys have done good for their country. No? We can’t either.
Also in this week’s Thursday Throwdown: Donald Trump accidentally proves that both he and Harris are terrible for Muslim voters, the ‘diplomats’ who pushed Ukraine into war are now proposing new ways to kill young Ukrainians, and another smug MSNBC chat mocking third party candidates.
It’s all as bad as it sounds. Watch with Katie and Aaron so you can hopefully laugh instead of cry at all of it. Thanks for supporting independent media, subscribe to watch the full episode here: