“It’s really hard to govern today,” complained former Secretary of State John Kerry at the World Economic Forum. “The referees we used to have to determine what’s a fact and what isn’t a fact have been eviscerated.”
We don’t think he’s talking about the referees who let him lie about WMDs in Iraq in order to justify his own vote for the Iraq War, but let’s let him slide on that one and keep listening…
Today, he mourns, “people self-select where they go for their news and information, so it’s much harder to build consensus.” And when the government can no longer shape information through corporate media, officials like Kerry need to “curb those entities” that provide the public with alternatives to CNN or Fox News.
But it’s not as easy as John Kerry had hoped to ban a site like Twitter.
“Our First Amendment stands as a major block to be able hammer it out of existence.” Oh no! So what’s the solution, John? “What we need is to win the ground by winning enough votes that you’re free to be able to implement change.” If you vote for us, we’ll make sure there is an information consensus.
And if that isn’t scary enough, just wait until you watch the rest of this week’s Thursday Throwdown. As Iranian missiles rain down on an Israeli weapons base, CNN reporter Jim Sciutto explains that the base is in the center of a densely-populated civilian area. Which means, by CNN logic, that Israel is using civilians as human shields by placing its command center there.
Surely Jim Sciutto will condemn Israel for this, right? Right?
Plus, Katie and Aaron watch clips from the supremely terrible vice presidential debate, focusing in on Margaret Brennan’s very leading opening question, and wondering if JD Vance has been watching Useful Idiots after a certain Hillary-Clinton-related argument.
It’s all this, and so much more, on this week’s Thursday Throwdown. Watch with Aaron and Katie so you can laugh instead of cry at it all.
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