Useful Idiots
Comedy • Politics
Here’s Why Trump and Harris Both Fail on Immigration
The Case for Open Borders, with John Washington
September 13, 2024
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Eight years ago, people were shocked at the insanity of the Trump campaign and his xenophobic border policies, pining for a more civil age where debates were proper and kids weren’t kept in cages.

In 2024, those days seem simpler.

John Washington, staff writer at Arizona Luminaria and author of The Case for Open Borders, joins Useful and reports something that may seem hard to believe: Trump’s campaign promises in 2016 are actually more progressive than either of the candidates’ we saw in this week’s debate.

“Kamala Harris,” he says, “has wholeheartedly embraced policies that are to the right of where Trump was when he took office in 2016.”

And it was all there in the debate. When Trump attacked her for being soft on the border, she didn’t argue that America is a nation of immigrants, built by immigrants. In fact, she didn’t talk about immigrants at all. “She talked about drug smugglers, human traffickers, and people who illegally crossed the border. But she didn't really give any idea of America as a nation of immigrants, which is the most boilerplate standard go-to on the left.”

But in the past three years, what the US considers ‘left’ has shifted drastically. “It's also important to remember where we started,” Washington says. “At the beginning of the Biden-Harris administration, they were asking for a hundred-day moratorium on deportations. Now they've gone way past the center and are at the right.”

The Biden administration in a single term has already deported or expelled over three million people. “He's taken the mantle of Deporter in Chief,” a title that was previously held by Barack Obama.

And as we heard in the debate, Kamala Harris is following in his footsteps. “The policies that she is fighting for are vehemently anti-immigrant. They would raise the asylum threshold, build more wall. They would put more surveillance technology on the U.S.-Mexico border. They would detain people for longer.”

Tell us, Democrats, which of those things counts as a lesser evil than Donald Trump?

Subscribe for the full interview with John Washington, where he describes the violent reality at the border, how the media is spinning it to protect Biden and Harris, and how borders affect what is happening today in Gaza.

Plus, catch this week’s Thursday Throwdown: We found the WORST moment of the debate (and it’s not about pets)

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The Most Evil Thing I Have Ever Seen – with Ret. Marine Jim Webb
The former marine gives military updates on the war in Ukraine and the recent Israeli terror attacks in Lebanon

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Retired US Marine Jim Webb joins Useful Idiots to give a military analysis of America’s neoliberal wars waged around the world. If you miss history class or are fascinated by combat strategy and the decisions of generals, this episode is for you.

We start in Ukraine, where everyone waited anxiously this week as Joe Biden teased a dangerous message to Ukraine: the approval of shooting long-range Western missiles into Russia. In the past month, Biden’s hawkish policy showed he was increasingly flirting with the idea, but Webb explains:

“There were leaks leading up to this meeting between Biden and Keir Starmer last week saying that a decision was pretty much imminent, but it didn't happen. And it didn't happen after Vladimir Putin said that if Biden approves this, then basically the U.S. will be at war with Russia.”

And it’s this waning end of hope for Ukraine, with desperate attempts at surprise attacks, forced conscriptions, and escalated war tactics, that Webb describes as the latest failure in the Washington neoliberal war machine.

“We just don't know how bad the war is,” Webb says. “The lengths that the U.S. has taken to ensure the Ukrainians stay on the battlefield.”

And that machine knows that as the number of killed Ukrainians skyrockets into the hundreds of thousands, their clutch of control will finally slip. “The descendants of Hillary Clinton's State Department are still driving the bus. And it's the last grasp, the last dying breaths of a really hardcore neoliberal element that is in control. They know that if this fails, then their entire project across the world is going to come into intense scrutiny, beginning with Ukraine.”

So Webb gives a military history of the conflict, explaining the strategic (and nonstrategic) decisions made by each side that brought us to this point, and maps out how the upcoming decisions of Biden, Putin, and Zelensky could lead to peace or to war.

He also answers the burning question: What will be the foreign policy difference between a President Harris and a President Trump?

Subscribe for the full interview with Jim Webb where he explains who really started the Russia-Ukraine War, how Ukraine’s Kursk invasion was actually a trap laid by Russia, and why Israel’s string of pager explosions should be considered a terrorist attack.

Plus, catch this week’s Thursday Throwdown: Hillary Clinton Wants to Lock Herself Up

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Hillary Clinton Wants to Lock Herself Up
The champion election denier calls for locking up anyone who commits election fraud...including herself?

“I think it’s important to indict the Russians,” said Russiagate progenitor Hillary Clinton on Rachel Maddow’s MSNBC show, “but I also think there are Americans who are engaged in election interference and propaganda. Whether they should be civilly or criminally charged is something that would be a better deterrence.”

But after eight years of Russiagate, one of the biggest conspiracies in US history in which a presidential candidate used the FBI to fraudulently claim election fraud and foreign interference in the 2016 election, who, in the eyes of Hillary Clinton, is more deserving of that deterrence than herself?

So, “Lock me up!” she began to shout, as fellow Russiagater Rachel Maddow joined in on the chant. “Lock us up, and we’re sorry for everything!” And so on.


Since it’s election season, Russiamania is back in full force. So we’re also watching:

• Presidential candidate Jill Stein’s uncomfortable interview with liberal attack dog Mehdi Hasan, where he catches her off-guard with a gotcha about whether or not Vladimir Putin is a war criminal.

• James Rubin of the Global Engagement Center (the propaganda arm of the State Department) complaining that the global south doesn’t like NATO because they get the RT channel there (and they’re not smart enough to make their own decisions, of course).

• And Jill Stein’s VP pick Butch Ware calls out another warmongering form of US propaganda: if we’re spending trillions of dollars on weapons used to blow up kids in other countries, why is it a “wish list” to have actual social programs here?

Plus, another week has gone by since the last Thursday Throwdown, which means Israel has committed a slew of new war crimes. This time, they’re using pagers and electronics to blow up “Hezbollah targets” in Lebanon. So far, it’s mostly kids and medical workers who they’ve murdered. John Kirby doesn’t want to comment on that just yet.

Don’t watch the news alone. Watch Thursday Throwdown – your midweek dose of media madness. Stick with Katie and Aaron so you can laugh instead of cry at it all. Subscribe to support independent media and watch the full interview here:

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