Joe Biden’s decades-long hunt for power as a bloodthirsty, screw-the-working-class senator was successfully memory-holed by corporate media with ice cream cones, Aviator sunglasses, and the feebleness of old age. Which sometimes makes us wonder: is that civil-rights-bashing, war-mongering aggression still there?
Yes. Yes it is.
In a new leaked audio between Biden and Rep. Jason Crow (D–CO), the president chastised Crow for thinking voters won’t care about his foreign policy record. He shouts (“garbling his words”):
"I put NATO together. Name me a foreign leader who thinks I'm not the most effective leader in the world on foreign policy. Tell me. Tell me who the hell that is. Tell me who put NATO back together! Tell me who enlarged NATO! Find me a world leader who doesn't think I'm the most respected person they've ever—"
Here, Crow cuts him off: "It's not breaking through, Mr. President, to our voters."
Biden goes on, angrier still, somehow believing that his so-called accomplishment of adding Sweden and Finland to NATO will be on the top of voters minds. Inflation? Proxy wars? Healthcare? Nope. Joe Biden’s winning the NATO vote.
But wait – at the NAACP convention (just after saying the most racist thing we’ve ever heard from Biden, watch tomorrow’s Dem’s Suck to find out) Biden announced a new policy that will actually help the working class:
“Corporate-owned housing can’t raise rent by more than $55.” Wow! What a win! Thanks Union Joe—
But of course, that wasn’t true. Biden’s teleprompter told him to say 5%, but his brain read $55. He did not correct the mistake.
It’s Biden mania on this week’s Thursday Throwdown, but don’t worry, Katie and Aaron are making fun of the RNC, JD Vance, and neocon Republicans too. Catch it all on this week’s Thursday Throwdown.
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