If you thought Zionists couldn’t get any weirder, wait until you hear NYU Professor Scott Galloway’s newest take. In just two weeks, he’s become the fastest rising star on Useful Idiots:
“Young people aren’t having as much sex,” says the man who was hired to teach business to students. “And I know how ridiculous that sounds, but for the species to survive, you get a dopa hit from fighting off a perceived enemy, and I think they’re on the hunt for what I call a fake mortal enemy.”
Galloway then went on another show to double down on the talking point (notice how he repeats his weird ideas word for word, even bringing back “I know this sounds paranoid but that doesn’t mean I’m wrong” from last week): “Young people aren’t having enough sex so they go on the hunt for fake threats.”
Hmm. Maybe this has less to do with the anti-genocide student protesters and more to do with Scott Galloway’s weird Nazi-threat-sex-fetish. I know that may sound paranoid, but it doesn’t mean I’m wrong.
But Galloway isn’t the only crazy on this week’s Throwdown. We’ve got racist corporate pundits on CNN and MSNBC. We’ve got college professors who also happen to work for the NYPD. We’ve got NYC Mayor Eric Adams implying that he’s been spying on students. Everything you could ask for from an insane media, we’re covering it.
And maybe the craziest moment of all comes in the way CNN host Kasie Hunt refers to the 6-year-old Palestinian child who was murdered by Israel: “A woman who was killed in Gaza.” New lows every week.
It’s all this, and more, on a sickening episode of Thursday Throwdown. Watch with Katie and Aaron, they’ll make you laugh at it instead of cry.
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