“What might sound paranoid, but that doesn’t mean I’m wrong,” says NYU Professor Scott Galloway, finishing up an unhinged rant on MSNBC in which he compared student protesters to people with white hoods chanting lynch the Blacks and burn the gays, “is I think the youth are being manipulated. Their frame for the world is TikTok, and if I were the CCP, I’d be doing exactly the same thing.”
That’s right, if it weren’t for China, young people would be celebrating the fact that there are children in Gaza who are undergoing amputations without anesthesia. They need something like the Chinese to trick them and brainwash them into thinking that genocide is not good.
And if you thought Galloway was the only deranged professor we’re letting near students, wait until you get a load of racist whiner Shai Davidai, who teaches at Columbia. After a meltdown when his campus key card was deactivated (apparently Zionists don’t like checkpoints and getting kicked off land either), he declared on the news that the anti-genocide protesters are not just terrorist supporters, but actual terrorists.
The main evidence of terrorism comes in a harrowing video of violence that we dare to air on Thursday Throwdown. The headlines tell it all:

And just wait until we show you the video. Katie and Aaron can barely contain their laughter. The victim (the same student who called Yale racist for not calling her couscous Israeli) then went on Piers Morgan to share her story. And looking at her eye, it seems she has made a miraculous recovery.

It’s all this and a whole lot more in a jam-packed episode of Useful Idiots. Everything’s as vomit-inducing as ever. Join Katie and Aaron, they’ll help you throwdown instead.
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