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“When I say it’s Hell on Earth, it is Hell on Earth. I don’t know if there are levels to Hell, but this is horrifying.”
After Christmas was canceled in Bethlehem, Reverend Munther Isaac gave a liturgy to his church. He stood in front of a nativity scene in which the baby Jesus lay on a pile of rubble.
“If you fail to call this genocide, it is on you,” he said in a biting and now viral speech. “Words of regret won’t suffice. We will not accept your apology after the genocide.”
Rev. Isaac recently visited Washington to speak to US senators in an attempt to educate and change their minds on US policy. While some listened, he told us, most wouldn’t speak with him, and the rest who did told him that they planned to help Israel keep the Gaza massacre going. So while Washington ignores him and corporate media continues its propaganda cycle, we spoke with the pastor, who called us from his church in Bethlehem.
“Israel is destroying everything,” he said. “Churches, cultural centers, schools, universities. If you get sick right now in Gaza, the chances are that you will not survive.”
He explains the frustration with the lack of coverage of Palestinian voices. “If people just walk in our shoes for one day and understand what it means to live under occupation and apartheid, you will understand why people are leaving and why it’s so hard for anybody to build a future here or survive.”
But instead of listening to voices on the ground like his, people in the US are overrun with the corporate and government narratives about Christians in Palestine. “Israel’s main point is to say ‘We’re fighting Hamas and Hamas fights Christians, and they’re come to you next in America.’
“The idea is to demonize all Palestinians and promote the narrative that Christians are persecuted in the Middle East and in Palestine. If people really cared, they would listen to us. We will tell you how we’re doing.”
Subscribe to hear the full interview with Munther Isaac, where he shares horrifying stories of life in Palestine under siege, what it’s like to live in constant fear that your life could end at any moment, and why he’s tired with calls for peace.
“I’m tired of the language of peace and praying for reconciliation because it gives the impression that there are two men fighting. We don’t have two men fighting, we have one man literally stepping on the throat of the other and you lecturing the person who’s on the ground about peace.”
Listen to and share our interview with Reverend Munther Isaac.
Plus, catch this week’s Thursday Throwdown: Israeli psychotherapist wants 30,000 Palestinians killed
Watch the full interview here: