Twitter trolls and high-ranking politicians alike love to call journalists who report the truth about the Ukraine proxy war “Russian agents.” Useful Idiots Aaron, Katie, and Matt, as well as countless other independent journalists, have all been accused of being in the pocket of Putin, a frankly stupid (yet sadly effective) dig that has never been backed by a shred of evidence.
What they say is that the illegal Russian invasion was largely done to prevent further NATO expansion. And even though this has been verified countless times by US and EU officials, any journalist with the integrity to report it is smeared as pro-Putin.
But what happens when the Secretary General of NATO himself says those exact words in a press conference? Is he a Putin stooge? Does NATO actually work…for Putin??
With zero evidence and no receipts, Useful Idiots is officially claiming that Jens Stoltenberg and the rest of NATO are Putin puppets. Now they can see how it feels to retort such a dumb claim.
In an increasingly absurd world, it seems only Katie and Aaron are here to pushback. So throw down with them on the Ukraine proxy war, including Joe Biden’s ridiculous photo-op campaign ad, as well as the upcoming impeachment of Joe Biden and an erotic reading by Senator John Kennedy on the Senate floor.
It’s our Thursday bonus episode. Let us know in the comments what corporate media monologues, interviews, or anything else you want to see on the next Thursday Throwdown.
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